

Recovering from COVID – Now What?

Many have followed our journey through our experiences with COVID-19. We were both taken ill by the virus. Trisha was quarantined for two weeks in a hotel in Charlotte and Jody was hospitalized, in Charlotte, for three months, followed by three months of (read more)


Whatch’a gonna do when they come for you?

“Bad boys, bad boys whatch’a gonna do?  Whatch’a gonna do when they come for you?”
The opening line of the theme song for the long running TV show “COPS” is a catchy reggae song first released by Inner Circle in 1997.  The full song goes on to speak of (read more)


A Life Changing Quote – “Nobody drifts toward holiness.”

One of the “side effects” of these strange times is having time to sit and watch or listen to Bible teaching from well known and well proven Bible teachers. We have narrowed our picks to only a few of the dozens that are on television. On the internet one can find hundreds of “Bible” teachers, but one must be very careful about (read more)


A Stake in the Ground

While deployed as chaplains with the BGEA Rapid Response Team, Jody and Trisha met a wonderful, young couple (practically newlyweds) who were victims of Hurricane Michael. She had invited Christ into her life, but she had not gone very far beyond that in her walk with the Lord.  He had felt God’s presence as he suffered through a terrible childhood, but (read more)


1, 2, 3 What Are We Fighting For?

This “oldie” reminds me of my youth in Commerce, Texas during the 60’s and early 70’s when the hippies were doing their thing, college students protested the war and those of the so-called “enlightened generation” were ruining their minds with anything they could set on fire (read more)



Travel Tip – Keep it simple, keep it safe, keep it close.

“That will be 6 Euro please”, said the
cashier at the food counter.  Bill reached for his wallet to retrieve the cash he had just received at the money exchange 30 minutes ago.  A short trolley ride later, Bill’s group was ready to experience some local cuisine. (read more)