Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?

“Bad boys, bad boys whatcha gonna do?  Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?”

The opening line of the theme song for the long running TV show “COPS” is a catchy reggae song first released by Inner Circle in 1997.  The full song goes on to speak of bad behavior and that no one will “give you no break” and “acting like a fool” does not deserve a break.  The lyrics of the song offer no hope for redemption to the “bad boys”.

The prophet Joel records the words of the Lord about the disobedience and judgement of the southern nation of Judah, God’s people, acting like fools and behaving like “bad boys”.  Joel records the plan for redemption of God’s people,  “And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved” (Joel 3:32).  Joel gives us the first lengthy description of “the day of the Lord”.

This is a reminder that as sinners (bad boys), no one gets a break and no break is due.  Their end is destruction and death.  As Christians, our calling is to tell the world (sinners) of the hope that is only in Jesus Christ.  Only he can turn “bad boys” into “redeemed boys”.

Why not start today, right now, with a new dedication to be about “the Father’s business” of telling those in your life about the Son.

Joel 3:32

And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.