
1, 2, 3, What Are We Fighting For?

This “oldie” reminds me of my youth in Commerce, Texas during the 60’s and early 70’s when the hippies were doing their thing, college students protested the war and those of the so-called “enlightened generation” were ruining their minds with anything they could set on fire and suck through a pipe.  Commerce was somewhat insulated from a lot of that, yet the small campus of East Texas Teacher’s College (later East Texas State University and now Texas A&M at Commerce) had its share of civil disobedience and hippies.  

The song goes on to answer the question with “I don’t know and I don’t give a (care)” (expletive omitted).

Does this have anything at all to do with today?  As Christians, we should be asking this question of ourselves – “What are we fighting for?”  Another way to phrase it might be, “What are we striving for?  We should know the answer, yet so many of our Christian brothers and sisters (bound for Heaven for sure) can’t answer the question and what’s more, don’t really care.

Can you answer?  You should know for what you are striving.  

In some of the modern translations of the Bible, you might find “effort” instead of “striving”.  Try both words and take a look at a good concordance, use the internet or your Bible software and do a quick word search of the New Testament.  I think you’ll find the answer(s).

Clearly, we are instructed to “strive”, which means “make an effort”.  When was the last time you “made an effort” to impact the Kingdom of Christ?

Travel Tip – Keep it simple, keep it safe, keep it close.

“That will be 6 Euro please”, said the
cashier at the food counter.  Bill reached for his wallet to retrieve the cash he had just received at the money exchange 30 minutes ago.  A short trolley ride later, Bill’s group was ready to experience some local cuisine.

 Unfortunately, Bill’s wallet was missing, along with his cash, credit cards, immigration papers and the address of the small, little know hotel in which he had registered.  Shocked at this discovery, Bill confessed his problem to his traveling companions who readily paid the food bill.  The immediate problem was solved, but Bill’s day, if not the entire trip, was ruined.

Thinking back on the trolley ride, Bill remembers the normal looking “local’s” that crowded around him on the packed trolley car.  He now recalls that as his attention was diverted by the historic buildings along the way, one of the “local’s” bumped into him, apologized in their own language and then exited the trolley car at the next stop.  A victim of a pickpocket’s skill, Bill wishes he had put his wallet in his front pants pocket as he had been instructed to do. 

Our mission teams almost never experience issues of security or safety.  We do our best to educate and train our teams on how to keep their stuff in their possession and control.  

The physical security and safety of our team is always a priority.  The mission leadership will take every precaution to assure the team’s physical security, for both person and property.  While you probably will not encounter any violent crime, petty theft is a real possibility.  Unsecured property will disappear in seconds.  Pickpockets routinely target foreigners, especially North Americans. Simple and common sense precautions will reduce the risk of your property being stolen.

Common Sense Pays Off
We ask our team members to  use common sense when traveling internationally. We typically travel in a group and we ask that you please stay with the group. Even in familiar airports we ask that you tell another team member if you leave the group to get a snack or go to the restroom.  There may be a few limited times that you will be free to walk around near the mission site.  We ask that you identify a partner to accompany you during these times.  Please do not go anywhere alone.  Never leave the mission site without coordinating with the mission leadership.  

Keeping Money, Documents and Valuables Secure
Hidden pockets or money belts are your key to peace of mind during travel.  Keep only a typical day’s spending money conveniently located in a pocket or backpack and put the remainder in your money belt.  You will only need to get into your money belt when you need to replenish your “pocket change”.  Your mission leadership will advise you on what to do with your important documents while at the mission site. Remember to make a copy of all important documents to keep in a separate location.

While at the mission site, living quarters, or host home be sure and utilize any locks that are provided.  If the door to your sleeping area and work area can be locked, lock them whenever the area is unoccupied.  It takes only seconds for someone to slip into your work area or living area and remove your belongings.

Pickpockets and Other Thieves
Pickpockets target travelers, especially in airports, on public transportation and in markets.  Thieves often team up (even children) and create a distraction such as causing the person behind you to bump into you or some other type of commotion.

Wallets, purses, backpacks and belt bags should be kept in front of you when in public places.  Wallets should be kept in the front pocket.  Cell phones, cameras and other valuables should be continuously secured.

Never leave your cell phone, camera or anything valuable lying around. Always keep valuables on your person or zipped up in your luggage safely out of sight.

On Planes and Trains
Always keep any slips of papers or claim tickets that you are given at an airport or on the train no matter how small or insignificant they appear.  It is best to keep them with your passport so that you can find them later.

Don’t Think It Can’t Happen to You

Academia de Música Asaf

Academia de Música Asaf (Asaph Music Academy)

La inspiración para tu talento (Inspiration for your talent)

Declaración de fe y práctica, Español  (statement of faith, English)

Director Juan Ramon Rodriguez

Centro Educativo Rubenia, 1/2 cuadra arriba, casa B-20
Managua, NI

Ofreciendo lecciones para voz, piano, guitarra para todos los niveles y todas las edades.

(Offering lessons for voice, piano, guitar for all levels and all ages.)

Travel Tip – Did I Leave the Iron On?

Travel Tip – Always arrange for someone who can check on your home while you are away.

Ever leave for an extended trip, or even a short one, and have that funny feeling that you’ve forgotten something?  I remember sitting on an airplane at 35,000 feet and realizing that I could not remember putting down the garage door.  As soon as I landed I called a friend who lived near our home.  Sure enough, I had not lowered the door.

On another occasion, our “automatic” pet watering bowl began to leak and a catastrophic flood and water bill were avoided because our friend caught it before a lot of damage was done.

A trusted friend who can check on things while you travel is invaluable.  Always make arrangements to have someone do the lawn, water the plants and generally check on things while you are away.

It’s a Twister!

That iconic, classic movie “The Wizard of Oz” yielded more than its fair share of memorable quotes. See if you can remember who said these and why*.

“Unusual weather we’re having, ain’t it?”
“A heart is not judged by how much you love; but by how much you are loved by others.”
“I’ve a feeling we’re not in Kansas any more.”
“I’ll get you, my pretty, and your little dog, too! ”
“I don’t know… But some people without brains do an awful lot of talking… don’t they?”
“…there’s no place like home! ”
“It’s a twister. It’s a twister.”

Trisha recently used that last quote to describe the many challenges, opportunities, and constant changes that we face as we continue in full-time ministry. Often, life’s events and situations swirl around us, kicking up dirt and debris that make it difficult to know what direction to take or where to put our feet for the next step.

Yet, God is our shelter in the storm. He hides us in the cleft of His hand, protecting us from destruction. We might get scratched. We might lose some possessions and maybe some relationships. Nonetheless we are protected and kept toward the work that He has in store for us.

God is also the lighthouse, drawing us into safe harbor where we can get about His business and deepen our relationship with Him.

No “twisters” are surprising to God. No matter how violent or unexpected in human terms, He raises His mighty hand and says, “Peace, be still.


*To check your answers at IMDB.COM (click here).

America’s Got Talent?

Trisha and some of her students (Novosibirsk,, Russia (Siberian Region)
Trisha and some of her students (Novosibirsk,, Russia (Siberian Region)

That popular TV series, “America’s Got Talent”, showcases the broad range of “talent” that people of all ages and backgrounds are willing to display before a national audience.  Some are amazingly entertaining while others are just plain weird, or worse.  Some of the least talented acts are there because someone, perhaps a friend or family member, told them they were talented.  Regardless, each participant came to the conclusion embodied by the phrase, “I can do that”.

As Christians, we all too often reach the opposite conclusion.  When faced with the opportunity to exercise our God given gifts and talents, we simply say, “I can’t do that”.  The reality is that God has given us gifts to be used in His service.  To say “I can’t do that” in response to God’s prompting is not only disobedient, but it calls God a liar.

Looking back on the times when I have said to God, “I can’t do that”, I wonder how many blessings I have forgone and how many blessings I have withheld from others.  We don’t have to exercise our talents before a national audience.  But, our heavenly audience is waiting to see us act in faith and say, “I can do that”.

Things turn out best…

“Things turn out best for the people who make the best out of the way things turn out.” – Art Linkletter

Mission work is full of surprises, unexpected situations and challenging obstacles.  Yet, the result is always predictable when God is glorified and the gospel is clearly and directly presented.  God has His way with both the missionary and those touched by the missionary.  Below are some lessons that must be learned and re-learned when serving the Almighty God.

-Learn to be led by the One we are serving and adapt our priorities to meet His
-Learn how to cheerfully change your plans when unexpected conditions require it
-Do not be discouraged when faced with unexpected challenges.  God has already prepared a way to overcome them in a way that will glorify Him

God said, 10 I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say: My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please. 11 From the east I summon a bird of prey; from a far-off land, a man to fulfill my purpose. What I have said, that will I bring about; what I have planned, that will I do. (Isaiah 46:10-11 NIV)

Missions is about following God’s lead and trusting Him with the result.

What Does JKI Do?

With evangelism as our focus, we strive to provide effective planning and leadership in order to effectively spread the gospel of Christ.
● Train and equip lay teams for short term direct mission projects
● Organize and lead lay teams for domestic projects in the U.S. and international projects in Latin America and other countries as God open doors
● Mobilize and motivate church members to get involved in Christian service
● Partner with indigenous churches in reaching their communities for Christ
● Strengthen and provide resources to our partner indigenous churches

Our Priorities

Evangelism, emphasizing the importance of sharing the gospel with unbelievers for the purpose of salvation.

Church Starts, assisting indigenous church planters in starting churches in areas that are in need of a Biblical Christian church.

Spiritual Awakening, preaching, teaching and exhorting Christians to progress toward conformity with Christ and become the manor woman God created them to be.

Discipleship, aiming toward the full development of Christians as they grow in grace, knowledge and maturity.

World Missions, working with all evangelical believers in the gigantic task of reaching every country and person with an opportunity to receive and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Iglesia Bautista El Faro

Iglesia Bautista El Faro (Lighthouse Baptist Church)

Alcanzar a nuestra comunidad para Cristo (Reach our community for Christ)

Pastor Geovanny Jose Teofilo Pelaez

arrio Loma Verde, de la escuela Madre Michell 1 Cuadra al Este
Puerto Cabeza, RAAN

Programa semanal (Weekly Schedule)
domingo (Sunday)           9:30 AM Escuela Biblica Dominical (Sunday School)
domingo (Sunday)           5:30 PM Culto de Predicación (Preaching Service)
miercoles (Wednesday) 6:00 PM Servicio de Adoración (Worship Service)
viernes (Friday)                6:00 PM Servicio de Enseñanza

establecido (established) 2008 BIMI

los datos establecidos (Last Update) 21/03/2017, OFDR
Para ser incluido en este directorio o para hacer una corrección a la información en este sitio web, haga clic aquí.
(To be included in this directory or to have corrections made to the information in this web site, click here.)


“Git-R-Done!!!” This popular catch phrase has become part of the American lexicon thanks to the redneck styled comedian known as Larry the Cable Guy.  It is a simple and direct way to say, “Let’s make the task at hand our priority”, “”Let’s  get to work”, “Let’s finish the job”.

Think about it.    You’ve heard the many life-changing testimonies of those who have gone before.  You’ve wanted to be part of an effective mission.  Yet, you’ve put it off for any number of reasons.  You’re not getting any younger.  Time is getting shorter.

We have more invitations for our Practically Speaking English evangelism events than we can accept.  Our limitation is simply the number of volunteers that are willing to go with us.  Pastors tell us again and again, “Please come and help us!”  It breaks our heart to say “No” or “Maybe next year.”

Please, won’t you prayerfully consider joining us in one of the next opportunities?  You can join us in one of two practical ways (in addition to praying for us).  One way is to commit to going yourself.  Second is help us financially to sponsor someone else.