Nicaragua Photo Albums

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2017-08-04 Diriomo, NI
Children’s PSE, PSE, Movie Night, Iglesia Bautista Pricipe de Paz (Prince of Peace Baptist Church)

2017-07-10 Managua, NI
Children’s PSE & Music Camp, Academia de Música Asaf (Asaph Music Academy) and Iglesia Bautista Rubenia (Rubenia Baptist Church)

2017-05-31 Managua, NI
First Community Movie Night, First Wednesday Bible Study
Iglesia Bautista Rubenia

2016-04-01 San Marcos, NI
Hogar de Ancianos Horizonte (Horizon Home for the Elderly)


We have thousands of photographs taken by us and our team members from many countries, many ministry sites and many events.  Due to this tremendous volume of photographs we have selected some of the most memorable and interesting ones from our past mission experiences.

We hope you enjoy the photos while recognizing that all are property of Jody Kennedy International.  We reserve all rights to each photograph/image under the copyright laws of the United States.

© Copyright 2018 Jody Kennedy International - All Rights Reserved