Advent Is Upon Us

Celebrate, love, fellowship, share – action verbs that reflect the themes of Christmas, but God reminds us to also be busy about His business and keep watch.  Our prayer is that this letter finds each of you right where you should be in relation to our Lord, Jesus.  We are so very grateful to the Lord for each of you that helps us along our way in missions.

Mark 13:32 “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. 33 Be on guard! Be alert[a]! You do not know when that time will come. 34 It’s like a man going away: He leaves his house and puts his servants in charge, each with their assigned task, and tells the one at the door to keep watch.

   35 “Therefore keep watch because you do not know when the owner of the house will come back-whether in the evening, or at midnight, or when the rooster crows, or at dawn. (NIV)

Merry Christmas from Jody and Trisha Kennedy

1, 2, 3, What Are We Fighting For?

This “oldie” reminds me of my youth in Commerce, Texas during the 60’s and early 70’s when the hippies were doing their thing, college students protested the war and those of the so-called “enlightened generation” were ruining their minds with anything they could set on fire and suck through a pipe.  Commerce was somewhat insulated from a lot of that, yet the small campus of East Texas Teacher’s College (later East Texas State University and now Texas A&M at Commerce) had its share of civil disobedience and hippies.  

The song goes on to answer the question with “I don’t know and I don’t give a (care)” (expletive omitted).

Does this have anything at all to do with today?  As Christians, we should be asking this question of ourselves – “What are we fighting for?”  Another way to phrase it might be, “What are we striving for?  We should know the answer, yet so many of our Christian brothers and sisters (bound for Heaven for sure) can’t answer the question and what’s more, don’t really care.

Can you answer?  You should know for what you are striving.  

In some of the modern translations of the Bible, you might find “effort” instead of “striving”.  Try both words and take a look at a good concordance, use the internet or your Bible software and do a quick word search of the New Testament.  I think you’ll find the answer(s).

Clearly, we are instructed to “strive”, which means “make an effort”.  When was the last time you “made an effort” to impact the Kingdom of Christ?

Academia de Música Asaf

Academia de Música Asaf (Asaph Music Academy)

La inspiración para tu talento (Inspiration for your talent)

Declaración de fe y práctica, Español  (statement of faith, English)

Director Juan Ramon Rodriguez

Centro Educativo Rubenia, 1/2 cuadra arriba, casa B-20
Managua, NI

Ofreciendo lecciones para voz, piano, guitarra para todos los niveles y todas las edades.

(Offering lessons for voice, piano, guitar for all levels and all ages.)

Iglesia Bautista Fundamental Monte Sion

Iglesia Bautista Fundamental Monte Sion (Mount Zion Fundamental Baptist Church)

Id y predicad el evangelio a toda criatura. (Go and preach the gospel to all creation.)

iglesia 2251 0813

Pastor Jorge Luis Juárez Mondragon
8577 3526

Carretera Norte. Edificio Armando Guido 2 C al Lago, mano derecha
Managua, NI

Programa semanal (Weekly Schedule)
domingo (Sunday)     10:00 AM Escuela Biblica Dominical (Sunday School)
domingo (Sunday         
5:00 PM Culto de Predicación (Preaching Service)
martes (Tuesday)         6:30 Servicio de Oración (Prayer Service)
jueves (Thursday)        6:30 Estudio Biblico (Bible Study)

establecido (established) 2011 independiente

los datos establecidos (Last Update) 7/3/2017, OFDR
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(To be included in this directory or to have corrections made to the information in this web site, click here.)

Iglesia Bautista Nuevo Nacimiento (New Birth Baptist Church)

Iglesia Bautista Nuevo Nacimiento (New Birth Baptist Church)

Con una corazón para la Familia (With a heart for the family)

página web:

Pastor Martin Paiz
+505  8781-8827, 8417-9952
+505 2295-4314

Programa Senamal (Weekly Schedule)
domingo (Sunday)           9:30 AM Escuela dominical (Sunday School)
                                                  5:30 PM Servicio de predicación (Preaching Service)
miercoles (Wednesday) 6:30 PM Ministerio feminil (Women’s Ministry)
jueves (Thursday)  
          6:30 PM Estudio biblico (Bible Study)
sábado (Saturday)           6:30 PM Ministerio de jovenes (Youth Ministry)


Otros programas especiales (Other Special Programs)
-Eventos especiales para niños (Special children’s events)
-Noches de cine en la comunidad (Community Movie Nights)
-Celebrando a los ancianos (Celebrations for the Elderly)

establecido 26/7/2012, independente (established 2013), independent

los datos establecidos (Last Update) 6/3/2017, JJK
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Iglesia Bautista Puertas Abiertas

Iglesia Bautista Puertas Abiertas (Open Doors Baptist Church)

Ganar a los perdidos para cristo. Bautizarlos y entrenarlos. (Win the lost for Christ. Baptize and train them.)

iglesia +505 2714 1384

Pastor Clemente Toruño Rugama
+505 8742-9325

Barrio Santo Domingo, Porton Principal UPOLI, 1 C Norte
Esteli, NI

Programa semanal (Weekly Schedule)
domingo (Sunday) 10:00 AM Escuela Biblica Dominical (Sunday School)
domingo (Sunday)   5:00 PM Culto Evangelistico (Evangelism Service)
martes (Tuesday)     6:30 PM
jueves (Thursday)    6:30 PM

establacido 1999 (established 1999) MBI


los datos establecidos (Last Update) 21/1/2017, OFDR
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(To be included in this directory or to have corrections made to the information in this web site, click here.)

Iglesia Bautista Ebenezer (Ebenezer Baptist Church)

Iglesia Bautista Ebenezer (Ebenezer Baptist Church)

Predicar el evangelio de nuestro Señor Jesucristo (To preach the gospel of our Lord Jesus Chrits)

Pastor Manuel Antonio Calero Flores
88636820 Mov/ 87336944 Cla

Progama Semanal (Weekly Schedule)
domingo (Sunday)         10:00 AM Escuela Biblica Dominical (Sunday School)
5:00 PM Servicio de Predicación (Preaching Service)
miercoles (Wednesday) 6:00 PM Adoracion (Praise Service)
viernes (Friday)                6:00 PM Estudio Biblico (Bible Study)

establecido 2011, independente (established 2011, independent)

los datos establecidos (Last Update) 17/01/2017, OFDR
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(To be included in this directory or to have corrections made to the information in this web site, click here.)

Iglesia Bautista Lirio de los Valles

Iglesia Bautista Lirio de los Valles (Lilly of the Valley Baptist Church)

Servir ala comunidad y evangelizar (Service to the community and evangelism)

Pastor Ismael de Jesus Jara
7754 7770

Programa semanal (Weekly Schedule)
domingo (Sunday)  9:00 AM y 5:00 PM
martes (Tuesday)  6:30 PM
jueves (Thursday) 6:30 PM
sábado (Saturday) 6:30 PM

establecido (established) 1979 Independiente

los datos establecidos (Last Update) 15/01/2017, OOCN
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(To be included in this directory or to have corrections made to the information in this web site, click here.)