That popular TV series, “America’s Got Talent”, showcases the broad range of “talent” that people of all ages and backgrounds are willing to display before a national audience. Some are amazingly entertaining while others are just plain weird, or worse. Some of the least talented acts are there because someone, perhaps a friend or family member, told them they were talented. Regardless, each participant came to the conclusion embodied by the phrase, “I can do that”.
As Christians, we all too often reach the opposite conclusion. When faced with the opportunity to exercise our God given gifts and talents, we simply say, “I can’t do that”. The reality is that God has given us gifts to be used in His service. To say “I can’t do that” in response to God’s prompting is not only disobedient, but it calls God a liar.
Looking back on the times when I have said to God, “I can’t do that”, I wonder how many blessings I have forgone and how many blessings I have withheld from others. We don’t have to exercise our talents before a national audience. But, our heavenly audience is waiting to see us act in faith and say, “I can do that”.