America’s Got Talent?

Trisha and some of her students (Novosibirsk,, Russia (Siberian Region)
Trisha and some of her students (Novosibirsk,, Russia (Siberian Region)

That popular TV series, “America’s Got Talent”, showcases the broad range of “talent” that people of all ages and backgrounds are willing to display before a national audience.  Some are amazingly entertaining while others are just plain weird, or worse.  Some of the least talented acts are there because someone, perhaps a friend or family member, told them they were talented.  Regardless, each participant came to the conclusion embodied by the phrase, “I can do that”.

As Christians, we all too often reach the opposite conclusion.  When faced with the opportunity to exercise our God given gifts and talents, we simply say, “I can’t do that”.  The reality is that God has given us gifts to be used in His service.  To say “I can’t do that” in response to God’s prompting is not only disobedient, but it calls God a liar.

Looking back on the times when I have said to God, “I can’t do that”, I wonder how many blessings I have forgone and how many blessings I have withheld from others.  We don’t have to exercise our talents before a national audience.  But, our heavenly audience is waiting to see us act in faith and say, “I can do that”.

Things turn out best…

“Things turn out best for the people who make the best out of the way things turn out.” – Art Linkletter

Mission work is full of surprises, unexpected situations and challenging obstacles.  Yet, the result is always predictable when God is glorified and the gospel is clearly and directly presented.  God has His way with both the missionary and those touched by the missionary.  Below are some lessons that must be learned and re-learned when serving the Almighty God.

-Learn to be led by the One we are serving and adapt our priorities to meet His
-Learn how to cheerfully change your plans when unexpected conditions require it
-Do not be discouraged when faced with unexpected challenges.  God has already prepared a way to overcome them in a way that will glorify Him

God said, 10 I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say: My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please. 11 From the east I summon a bird of prey; from a far-off land, a man to fulfill my purpose. What I have said, that will I bring about; what I have planned, that will I do. (Isaiah 46:10-11 NIV)

Missions is about following God’s lead and trusting Him with the result.

What Does JKI Do?

With evangelism as our focus, we strive to provide effective planning and leadership in order to effectively spread the gospel of Christ.
● Train and equip lay teams for short term direct mission projects
● Organize and lead lay teams for domestic projects in the U.S. and international projects in Latin America and other countries as God open doors
● Mobilize and motivate church members to get involved in Christian service
● Partner with indigenous churches in reaching their communities for Christ
● Strengthen and provide resources to our partner indigenous churches

Our Priorities

Evangelism, emphasizing the importance of sharing the gospel with unbelievers for the purpose of salvation.

Church Starts, assisting indigenous church planters in starting churches in areas that are in need of a Biblical Christian church.

Spiritual Awakening, preaching, teaching and exhorting Christians to progress toward conformity with Christ and become the manor woman God created them to be.

Discipleship, aiming toward the full development of Christians as they grow in grace, knowledge and maturity.

World Missions, working with all evangelical believers in the gigantic task of reaching every country and person with an opportunity to receive and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Iglesia Bautista El Faro

Iglesia Bautista El Faro (Lighthouse Baptist Church)

Alcanzar a nuestra comunidad para Cristo (Reach our community for Christ)

Pastor Geovanny Jose Teofilo Pelaez

arrio Loma Verde, de la escuela Madre Michell 1 Cuadra al Este
Puerto Cabeza, RAAN

Programa semanal (Weekly Schedule)
domingo (Sunday)           9:30 AM Escuela Biblica Dominical (Sunday School)
domingo (Sunday)           5:30 PM Culto de Predicación (Preaching Service)
miercoles (Wednesday) 6:00 PM Servicio de Adoración (Worship Service)
viernes (Friday)                6:00 PM Servicio de Enseñanza

establecido (established) 2008 BIMI

los datos establecidos (Last Update) 21/03/2017, OFDR
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“Git-R-Done!!!” This popular catch phrase has become part of the American lexicon thanks to the redneck styled comedian known as Larry the Cable Guy.  It is a simple and direct way to say, “Let’s make the task at hand our priority”, “”Let’s  get to work”, “Let’s finish the job”.

Think about it.    You’ve heard the many life-changing testimonies of those who have gone before.  You’ve wanted to be part of an effective mission.  Yet, you’ve put it off for any number of reasons.  You’re not getting any younger.  Time is getting shorter.

We have more invitations for our Practically Speaking English evangelism events than we can accept.  Our limitation is simply the number of volunteers that are willing to go with us.  Pastors tell us again and again, “Please come and help us!”  It breaks our heart to say “No” or “Maybe next year.”

Please, won’t you prayerfully consider joining us in one of the next opportunities?  You can join us in one of two practical ways (in addition to praying for us).  One way is to commit to going yourself.  Second is help us financially to sponsor someone else.

Finders Keepers. Losers weepers.

This old children’s adage has amazing application to the human condition.  Those who find (receive) Christ keep their life forever.  Those who do not receive Christ are eternally lost (losers).  The Bible is clear.  John 3:18 says:

Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son. (John 3:18 NIV)

Missions is about telling people how to enter into relationship with Jesus Christ.  The cool thing about the gospel is that Jesus is looking for the “weepers” so that He can turn them into “keepers”.  What a joy it is to be part of that process.

Iglesia Bautista Fundamental Esperanza Viva

Iglesia Bautista Fundamental Esperanza Viva (Living Hope Fundamental Baptist Church)

Ensanchar el evangelio de nuestro Salvador Jesucristo a traves de la predicacion de su Palabra. (Widen the gospel of our Savior Jesus Christ through the preaching of His Word.)

Pastor Ever Enrique Toruño Rojas
8928 1909

Comunidad las Mangas, de la Cooperativa Augusto Cesar Sandino 50 Vrs al Este
San Isidro, Matagalpa, NI

Programa semanal (Weekly Schedule)
domingo (Sunday)     10:00 AM Escuela Biblica Dominical (Sunday School)
domingo (Sunday)       4:30 PM Servicio de Predicación (Preaching Service)
martes (Tuesday)         4:30 PM Servicio de Adoración (Worship Service)
jueves (Thursday)        4:30 PM Servicio de Enseñanza (Teaching Service)

establecido (established) 2014  BIMI

los datos establecidos (Last Update) 9/03/2017, OFDR
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Iglesia Bautista La Gracia

Iglesia Bautista La Gracia (Grace Baptist Church)

Predicar de Cristo a los perdidos para salvacion y arrepentimiento. (Preach Christ to the lost for salvation and repentance.)

Pastor Bill Alberto Lopez Martinez
8607 1057

En Frente del Instituto Tecnoloico
Rosita, RAAN

Programa semanal (Weekly Schedule)
domingo (Sunday)     10:00 AM Escuela Dominical (Sunday School)
domingo (Sunday) 
      5:00 PM Culto de Predicación (Preaching Service
martes (Tuesday)        6:30 PM Oración (Prayer)
jueves (Thursday)       
6:30 PM Enseñanza (Teaching)
sábado (Saturday)      6:30 PM Jovenes (Youth)

establecido 2012 (established 2012) (BIMI)

los datos establecidos (Last Update) 25/01/2017, OFDR
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(To be included in this directory or to have corrections made to the information in this web site, click here.)

Iglesia Bautista Renacer

Iglesia Bautista Renacer (Rebirth Baptist Church)

Ganar almas para el crecimiento espiritual y numerico de la iglesia de Cristo (Win souls for the spiritual and numerical growth of the church of Christ)

iglesia +505 2252 5665

Pastor Ramon Gonzalez Sequeria
+505 8831 3399, 2299 7554

Programa semanal (Weekly Schedule)
domingo (Sunday)  9:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 11:00 AM
domingo (Sunday)  5:00 PM Predicación (Preaching)
martes (Tuesday)    6:30 PM Oración (Prayer)
jueves (Thursday)   6:30 PM Estudio biblico (Bible Study)

Otros programas especiales (Other Special Programs)
Compassion International

establecido (established) 1974 BIMI

los datos establecidos (Last Update) 25/1/2016, OFDR
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(To be included in this directory or to have corrections made to the information in this web site, click here.)

Bethel III Iglesia Bautista de Managua

Bethel III Iglesia Bautista de Managua (3rd Bethell Baptist Church of Managua)

Adorando A Dios porque el es Sanador (Worshiping God because He is the Healer)

iglesia 2244 0750

Pastor Pablo Emilio Garcia
2249 8732/8853 1146/8682 2048

Edificio Armando Guido 4 Cuadras al Sur. Barrio San Luis
Managua, NI

Programa semanal (Weekly Schedule)
domingo (Sunday)         10:30 AM Escuela Biblica Dominical (Sunday School)
domingo (Sunday)          5:00 PM Culto de Predicación (Preaching Service)
miercoles (Wednesday) 6:30 PM Servicio de Varones (Men’s Service)
jueves (Thursday)            6:30 PM Servicio de Damas (Women’s Service)
viernes (Friday)                6:00 PM Servicio de Jóvenes (Youth Service)
sábado (Saturday)          10:00 AM Servicio de Ayuno (Fasting Service)

Otros programas especiales (Special Programs)
Compassion International

establacido 1955 (established 1955) CBN

los datos establecidos (Last Update) 15/03/2017, OFDR
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(To be included in this directory or to have corrections made to the information in this web site, click here.)