The JKI Asap Music Academy (Academia de Música Asaf) is inspired by one of King David’s song writers and worship leaders.
Asaph was one of the Levites that King David appointed as worship leaders, song writers and poets who were to serve God in the tabernacle. He is credited with writing 12 of the Psalms (50 and 73 through 83) as well as being a teacher of music to those who would follow him. (Read more about Asaph here)
In February 2017 we began to organize and provision the academy in a middle-class neighborhood of Managua, Nicaragua. The first students began to take lessons there in April 2017.
Most children, youth and adults do not have access to quality music lessons due to the high cost of lessons and the low income of most families. The idea behind Asaph is to provide high quality lessons at a very low cost in a solidly Christian environment. Until Asap grows enough to be self-sustaining, salaries, rent, equipment and other costs are supported through our ministry.
Our director, Juan Rodriguez, is a well known Christian music professor who also serves as an important staff member of Jody Kennedy International. He is assisted by Oscar Carcache, a gifted musician, who is also an important staff member of Jody Kennedy International.
To support our academy, please visit our Give page.