March 23, 2020





Safely Home


Thank you for praying. Our dear friends and partners Bob and Gail Meade (Meade International) just arrived an hour or so ago at DFW airport. Their return happened much faster than anyone thought. They were told in an announcement before landing that they would need to self-quarantine for 14 days. They are grateful to everyone who prayed for their safe return. Now we pray that they continue with no symptoms and no illness. The report that they are NOT having any symptoms.


They went to Uganda at the beginning of 2020 to conduct classes at their Lake Victoria Bible Institute. Suddenly, the President of Uganda announced that no gatherings would be permitted in the country. They were in the middle of a week-long bible institute class when they got this word. They had to dismiss their students who had traveled to the institute for the class.



Stranded But Busy


We are now part of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) Corona Virus Prayer Line and have made ourselves available to receive calls made to the BGEA telephone number that is featured in the Franklin Graham spots airing throughout the day. We have seen the spots on Fox News and have received praise reports from BGEA that already many have prayed the prayer as encouraged by Franklin Graham during the spot.


In addition, BGEA Rapid Respone Team chaplains (includes us) are now encouraged to wear the distinctive BGEA Chaplain shirt and engage people as we are out and about while respecting the "social distancing" guidelines. Already we have had encounters with several in the Burleson, TX area.



More Nicaragua Update


The government of Nicaragua has implemented steps to limit the movement of the people in Nicaragua in response to COVID-19. Schools have been closed and many businesses have had to close.


Our partners report that they have been told to be prepared to stay in their homes for up to 30 days. Since virtually no one in that country has the resources to "stock up" on food and medicine and other essentials for that length of time, this will be a great hardship.


We have sent our partners some extra money to try and get ahead of this problem before the complete shut down that is expected to happen this week. Some of our partners have chronic illness in their families and getting the needed medicine will be difficult.


This also means that our Music Academy is closed and church services are curtailed. Some of our partners depend on these for their salaries. We will do what we can to help them financially even as we fervently pray for their provision and care. If you are led to help us to provide for their financial needs, please do not hesitate or delay to donate.


If we think we are having a difficult time here in the U.S., it is nothing compared to what our brothers and sisters are experiencing in the third world. Please continue to pray for them.




We take every donation gratefully and seriously. We do not take a salary from the ministry so that every dollar goes into the work.


If you want to help us meet the needs of our ministry or support our Nicaraguan partners' families and our partner churches, donations in any amount will be used wisely to meet the these needs. 


To donate, use the above button to view our "Give" page where you may designate your gift as you wish.


Or, mail your check to Jody Kennedy International, PO Box 6802, Fort Worth, TX 76115.





Jody Kennedy International | PO Box 6802, Fort Worth, TX 76115