December 25, 2019






He is still found by those who seek him!


In 1993 at Retta Baptist Church in Burleson, TX our Sunday School class designed and painted this 8 x 8 foot Christmas card as part of the church's Christmas display. Lighted and placed along the busy road, this and the other 8 x 8 cards shared the true message of Christmas to the community.


More than a quarter of a century later, the message is needed more than ever. He promised us that if we seek Him, we will find Him. He doesn't hide His love for us and His message of hope, peace and eternity is not a hidden secret.


Enjoy family, food, togetherness and memories. But, don't forget to acknowledge the true meaning of Christmas - Christ is Born!


Merry Christmas from Jody and Trisha



Ministry update coming soon!




If you want to help in meeting the needs of our Nicaragua partners' families and our partner churches, donations in any amount will be used wisely to meet the essential needs. To donate, use the button or mail your check to Jody Kennedy International, PO Box 6802, Fort Worth, TX 76115.





Jody Kennedy International | PO Box 6802, Fort Worth, TX 76115