Take a moment to pray for us.
31, 2018
1 Peter 1:3 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus
Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into
a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead
Here we are again. On this Saturday before the
day we call Easter I was thinking about the followers of Jesus in
Jerusalem who were waiting to see what would happen next.
Perhaps some knew what would be next while others were hoping what
would be next. How did they spend that Saturday? How did
they pray?
Our old friend Benjamin Quant (our partner and
translator who is now with the Lord) was the most hopeful person I
have every known. I have told before about his habit of sharing
the gospel with every taxi driver in whose cab we found
ourselves. Ben would often start off with a little small talk
but would quickly get to the point. Here in Nicaragua, one of
the most difficult topics to discuss is "hope". In
the material world, life is very difficult and many people have
little hope of improving their material life. Ben would use
this theme to point people to the true hope.
After a little small-talk and having turned the
conversation to a more personal level, Ben would often ask "¿En
qué esperas?" (In what is your hope?). The response was
varied and almost always about the hope of economic gain or sometimes
improvement in health or a family situation. Ben always
acknowledged and affirmed their response, but then would remind them
that they were putting their hope in circumstances that would need to
change before their hope could be realized. Then he would change
the question to "¿En quién está tu esperanza?" (In whom is
your hope?).
If their answer was not "Jesus Christ", he
would remind them that people are likely to disappoint you or fail
you altogether in this life, but Jesus would never fail you or
disappoint you in this life or in eternity.
So the same question is for you and for me. In whom is your
hope? The only secure hope is in Him.
We need your prayers as we continue our work in
Nicaragua and expand our outreach into the more difficult fields of
Managua. Here are some of the projects that need your prayer
and your financial support.
Asaph Christian Music Academy (Academia de Música
- teacher salaries
- building rent and maintenance
- student scholarships
- musical instruments and supplies
Baptist Church of Rubenia (Iglesia Bautista de
Rubenia) is our latest church plant
- pastor salary
- transportation (micro bus for neighborhood children)
- Bibles and study materials
- building expansion
- chairs and classroom supplies
Baptist Church in Diriomo
- remodel and expansion construction
- evangelistic community events
- chairs and classroom supplies
Our ongoing ministries always need financial support
- ministry rent, supplies, vehicles
(general needs)
- San Marcos nursing home
- Family movie nights
- Marriage and parenting conferences
- Church plants in El Rama, Tipitapa, Masaya and Managua
Donations may be made by check to our mailing address
(below) or through PayPal.
View giving option here or click the
"Donate Now!" button.
One great way you can introduce our vision to
others is to forward this email to someone else.
Think of someone you would like to be with on mission.

(Forwarding this will not add anyone to our email list, but
individuals can request to be added at any time on the website.)