Do you have a current passport? Do you know where it
Jody Kennedy International
Pastor Martin &
26, 2015

Click my photo to go to
our web site.
Watch this
update for important information about one of our dearest Nicaraguan
We still
have openings for these summer Practically Speaking English missions.
June 19-29
Go to www.jodykennedy.com
or contact us at info@jodykennedy.com.
Click below
to watch the video update about the work in Nicaragua.
Click here or the link below to view our

About Jody Kennedy
Jody Kennedy International* is the
ministry of Jody and Trisha Kennedy who have given themselves to
serving Christ through full-time Christian service.
Using the Practically Speaking English events, JKI brings teams of
mature Christians to the field to provide intensive, conversational
English courses to hundreds of people, for the purpose of directly and
boldly sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ.
In partnership with churches in the U.S. and in Nicaragua and
elsewhere, the ministry motivates and mobilizes Christians to get out
of their comfort zones to take the gospel of Christ across the street
and around the world.
We are supported by the generous gifts of our friends,
team members, and partners. Contributions are tax deductible and
are used to support the ministries of Jody Kennedy International.
*Jody Kennedy International/LOVEM Ministries, Inc. is a
501(c)(3) non-profit organization.