I had the chance to visit Nadi at the physical therapy hospital.
She is bed bound, but they get her into a wheel chair where she can sit
up. She cannot talk or eat by mouth but she is awake and able to
communicate somewhat by gestures.
She has improved greatly but she is still very ill and will be receiving
physical therapy for at least the next year. The next day after
our visit she went back home and will continue physical therapy by
commuting to the hospital.
Her mother is with her constantly and Nadi will continue to need
constant care. Her mother and family need our prayers as they
care for Nadi in their home. With some of the money that has been
donated, the family purchased a hospital bed for Nadi to have at
home. The family must buy all the medicines, special food (for feeding
by feeding tube) and any special equipment and supplies and
transportation to and from the hospital.
If you are led to help Nadi financially, you can donate at our web site
or send a check to our PO Box 6802, Fort Worth, TX 76115.
Many of you know her personally and I know all of you will join us in
lifting her up in prayer, asking for healing of this bright young
woman. She has devoted her life to the ministry of the gospel and
wants nothing less than that God be glorified.
Jody and Trisha
Jody Kennedy