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Jody Kennedy International
"You Annoy Me, Therefore I Exist"
23, 2011
The other day, I
had the rare opportunity of watching a movie on television from
beginning to end. In the film was this interesting twist on the
phrase "I think, therefore I am" (17th century philosopher,
Ren? Descartes). It wasn't the theme of the movie and was
actually just part of the dialogue that established a couple of the
minor characters. But, it caught my attention and immediately
brought to mind the many annoyances life can bring. Then I
realized that these annoyances are also blessings.
I cannot count
how many times an annoyance in my life led to a spiritual growth
spurt. Whether the annoyance was a person or a situation, I often
found that by stepping back and looking closely (I know that sounds
oxymoronic), I actually could learn something about myself.
Usually I
learned that I had allowed myself to fall into the trap of "It's
all about me"-ism. My selfishness, my greed, my
self-centered priorities contributed to the annoyance, perhaps more
than the perceived source of the annoyance. Does this ever happen
to you?
question: In what movie does the line "You annoy me, therefore
I exist" appear? (Reply to this email with your answer.)
Our 2012 Schedule Is Now
We are challenging ourselves, and you, to reach more people with
the gospel in 2012 than in any previous year. 
2011 has been a banner year for our ministry with more events and
more people coming to Christ in Nicaragua than in any year before.
We also entered into new relationships with churches and church
planters in Nicaragua. 2012 will be a year of several new
venues for our Practically Speaking English evangelism and our
medical team evangelism events. That translates into even more
opportunities for reaching people in this country.
To accomplish these goals, we need more resources in the form of
money and manpower than ever before. With the economic
challenges facing our country, this will be a challenge for us and
for you. Our prayer is that many of you who have been in the
field with us before, will join us once again.
We also are praying that those of you who have never joined us in the
field or supported us financially will participate with us directly
as an extension of your personal ministry.
Due to rising airfares, we need commitments much sooner than in years
past. To facilitate this requirement, we have reduced the
deposit amount and made the sign up deadline earlier. See the
event schedule for the specific dates.
Launching Our Video Library
Check out our video channels for a library of our videos
from past missions. The easiest way is to click on the camera
above or click here.
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while you shop at no cost to you. Most of your favorite stores
will give a small donation directly to our ministry when you
shop. It's small, but every penny counts for us!
Jody Kennedy International
Jody Kennedy International* is the ministry of Jody
and Trisha Kennedy who have given themselves to serving Christ
through full-time Christian service. In partnership with
churches in the U.S., Eastern Europe, and Latin America, the ministry
motivates and mobilizes Christians to get out of their comfort zones
to take the gospel of Christ across the street and around the world.
We are supported by the generous gifts of our friends,
team members, readers and partners. Contributions are tax deductible
and are used to support the ministries of Jody Kennedy International.
*Jody Kennedy International/LOVEM International is a
501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Matching Fund
is still some way to go toward our goal of matching the $5000
gift. We are so very grateful to those who have already doubled
their donation by helping us reach this goal.
Help us match the $5000 gift. Click here
to learn how.
week is November 14-21, 2011. Get your family, your small group
and your church involved in this gospel spreading ministry to children
around the world.
Photos from all 2011 Nicaragua
missions are available. Click here.
Check out our website dedicated to
our English teaching and Evangelism ministry.
here to
learn how to introduce your church or group to
Missions Made Easy.

to Jody Kennedy International
Give today toward the task of carrying the gospel to the lost world.

Click the "donate" button for a safe and secure donation by
credit card.
-Our financial needs
-More volunteers
-Wisdom for our schedule
-Physical health and stamina
To donate, send your fully tax deductible gift to Jody
Kennedy International, P.O. Box 6802, Fort Worth, TX 76115 or you
can make a safe and secure donation through PayPal by clicking the
"PayPal Donate" button in the box above.